First Prototype !!!
Orgin Of idea was in Mumbai City
It all started in the year 2016 when I visited Mumbai I was staying there in a hostel and it was there I realised the potential of this design.
I went to Mumbai to pitch my early clean air business ideas to an investor and had to stay in a hostel for few days, Mumbai is an expensive city to live in and the commute is difficult especially for an outsider.
I really wished hostel guys had some rentable scooter or something that I can take around to grab some food, for sightseeing and for some entertainment. Since I was not able to go out much I had no choice but order food and that food delivery guy comes on a bicycle all sweaty from top to bottom with cold food.
That was the night the Idea Stuck in my head and I had to do something about it.
Making of the First Prototype
( Option 1 )
The First Choice, Much simpler Job and Almost Nil risk would have been to buy cheap Ebikes From China and sell it in India just like every other trader
( Option 2 )
-Find a Designer, Pay him Salary for his work, Find Suitable Materials
-Pay for Experimenting with different designs, materials, workers
-Then basic Machinery, a fabricator, a helper, transportation of the frame to different workshops for various works.
– Find Suitable vendors for various parts, buy these parts to experiment
– Lot of R&D to finalise the bike model
– Design and Repeat all of the above to make Jigs which can keep the tubes of the bike in position for welding as per design.
– Shed Lot of Cash And Time
I chose Option 2 it took almost 2 years but We did it and built our prototype in the year 2018.
The Purpose of this model is to useful for both personal and commercial and suitable of all age group who are old enough to ride a 26inch cycle